Jawn provided tremendous structure and feedback over the course of my training period. In four months I went from not having run seriously in years to getting back to running a sub-2 hour half marathon. Not only was the plan he provided manageable, but it kept me on the edge of challenged to my current limit mixed with ample recovery time. Most importantly though, it kept me injury free. I cannot stress the importance enough of having a professional plan in place even if you’re a casual runner - Jawn did an exemplary job providing me one.
garrick (30-34)

In just over a year of working with Jawn, I was able to realize my goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon in only my second marathon attempt. I also shaved minutes off my duathlon and sprint triathlon times. In addition to my training, he has educated me on the value of nutrition, strength training, and recovery.
john (50-54)

Without Jawn’s coaching I never would have made it to the finish line. He kept me from running myself into the ground like a race horse and pushed me other times when I might have taken a day or two off. I almost didn't run because of a few injuries from college that flared up so bad I could barely walk, but Jawn helped guide me through it. His experience of over 40 marathons in conjunction with his continuing education in the field of exercise science and coaching is what made the difference.
scott (40-44)

As a busy, full-time working mom, I realized that I needed some help & guidance. Jawn came highly recommended from a friend. It was a bit out of my comfort zone, but after the first email, I knew I had made the right decision. I remember thinking; “Wow, he is so knowledgeable and he actually CARES!”
It is a sense of relief having my workouts planned each week. As I completed my runs, my confidence grew and I was excited to watch my mileage increase each week! Jawn planned workouts that fit into my family’s busy, sports-filled weekends that often included traveling to different cities with hotel stays. He even scheduled workouts that I could do with my daughter, or he found running trails where I was staying.
Jawn has challenged me when needed, but has also taught me the importance of rest, (which I have not done well in the past). He has helped me through so many obstacles, including my pre-existing CrossFit injuries and my repetitive-stress injuries from my profession as a dental hygienist. Through my training, I completed two half marathon PR’s and my first full marathon!
Working with Jawn has taught me so much more than running. His positive attitude is infectious and joyful. He believes in me when I am unsure I believe in myself. Jawn genuinely cares about his athletes’ success and happiness, and he takes pride in all that he does. If anyone is looking for a running coach - Jawn is your guy!

kate (35-39)
Beginner Runner

Jawn is the REAL deal. He had me ready for my first 5k in just 3 weeks! I'm now up to 45 minutes of running and enjoying every minute of it. I never thought I could obtain what I did in the 6 months of training - and all injury free! Jawn motivates, encourages, and enlightens the training process to make it a rewarding and achievable experience. His thorough knowledge of nutrition, fitness, and mental awareness is second to none.
ann (50-54)

I started using Jawn as my coach about 5 months ago and I am so glad I did. I was stuck in a rut where I felt like I couldn't get faster and I wasn't sure what to do. Jawn gave me the workouts I needed to do to help me reach my goal of running a half marathon under 1:46. I did it in 1:42 thanks to his coaching. I really enjoyed the variety of workouts he gave me. Honestly it felt like I wasn't even working as hard as I did before I had a coach. I was just training smarter. The easy days are much easier and the hard days are hard but they are short. I love using the app to get feedback from Jawn every day. I tell anyone who will listen to me to hire Jawn. I finally even got my wife signed up with him. Thanks Jawn!
matt (35-39)

Before working with Jawn I felt like I had plateaued. I knew I needed to adjust the way I trained, but I didn't know how. He showed me how to run more effectively while significantly decreasing my chances for injury by not pushing too hard or too fast. I could see how his method was really about running smarter, not just harder. I had much more fun racing this season too because I was stronger mentally and physically. I strongly believe everyone needs a coach, no matter your ability, and Jawn is by far the best coach I've ever had!
stacey (35-39)

Thank you Marathawn Jawn! I obviously couldn’t have done this without your awesome coaching! It is hard to believe when I started working with you 2 years ago after 8 years of running - I was walking 1 minute and running 2 minutes. At that point, I was just hoping to be able to run 10 miles! Two years later and I am going to run the Boston Marathon!
As a time-crunched runner, it has definitely been a luxury to have your experience as a runner, your always positive attitude, and your attention to detail in my corner! I never need to worry or second guess what I am doing in my training or if it is going to work! Our results prove that it does! Thank you Jawn!

Jeff (50-54)
Boston Marathon qualifier and Ironman World Championship qualifier

When I first decided I was going to run my first marathon, I thought I would just google marathon training schedule and be fine. I started out that way for a couple weeks and then Jawn came highly recommended by a friend of mine. I did the free trial and had a long phone conversation with him and thought, yea I need some help. Without his help, I probably would have got injured or gave up. He held me accountable and was there when I needed support and advice (nutrition, weight loss, training schedules). Not to mention the hours he saved me from googling what gel pouches to take on runs, electrolytes or pains here and there and simple tricks to help.
I had a goal of beating the 4 hour mark for my first marathon and was able to hit 3:54 fairly easily and I owe that to Jawn! He is very knowledgeable, has the background with school and puts in the miles himself! Highly recommend him as a coach, you will not be disappointed. Thanks Jawn!
cody (30-34)
Beginner Runner

I have never been into running. When Jawn told me that he could train me to run a respectable half marathon, I didn’t even know how far that was or what a decent time was. I trained with Jawn for 4 months and went from struggling to run half a block without dying to finishing a half marathon in 1:51:05. Jawn did a great job helping me reach my goal while keeping me injury free, which I would not have done on my own. For any beginners out there, that are interested in getting into running, I would highly recommend Marathawn Jawn. Thank you Jawn for helping me get fit and feel good doing it!
dan (35-39)

I have learned so much from working with Jawn! Within the first two weeks of working with him I realized I had been training in ways that hindered both my running and recovery. I’m now running farther and faster than I used to, and most importantly, feeling significantly better both during and after runs. I have learned the power of pace variation, how to recover from a run, how to prepare for a run, and different strategies to employ during a run.
The training plans Jawn creates are always completely individualized and tailored to my busy schedule, interests, and goals. His feedback has been invaluable. He truly understands not only the fun and joys of running, but also the physical and mental demands of training. I find myself thinking of his stories and advice even when I’m not running. I really love running with the feeling that I have someone in my corner, not only to hold me accountable but also to celebrate the achievement of my goals. Working with Jawn has given me a confidence I never had before and I find I’m consistently setting new goals and then attaining them.
I started working with Jawn with the goal of running a marathon to celebrate my 40th birthday. I was completely intimidated by the idea of a marathon, especially stories of hitting the wall, but Jawn broke down all the training into a manageable schedule that gradually built up my mileage and kept me injury-free. My primary goal for the marathon was to not hit the wall and to enjoy it, and my secondary goal was to run it under 4 hours. I achieved both goals easily, a testimony to how well Jawn prepared me. By mile 8 I knew it was going to be a great run and I never even came close to hitting the wall. I can honestly say I enjoyed every single mile of the marathon and crossed the finish line with a huge smile, something I'll always remember. I have also reached every other goal I have set, including bringing down my mile time, setting a PR in the half marathon, and just improving my overall health and fitness. I'm looking forward to future marathon and half marathon PRs and maybe one day trying an ultramarathon. I can’t recommend Jawn enough. His passion for running, depth of knowledge, and personalized attention will benefit any runner!
Polly (35-39)
Experienced Runner

SHILPI (30-34)
Beginner Runner